Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thing #4

Blogging is a great way to express yourself. After reading 5 different blogs, I can see why people follow a blog -- you want to find out what happens next.

The blog about the duck was adorable! What a great way to practice writing skills in the 2nd grade. I can see where a math teacher could utilize blogging about a problem of the week or for students to record how they solved a problem. They could even ask each other questions ...

I am getting into this blogging thing -- I am learning more every day!

I hope that through this whole thing, I will get better at blogging! I loved the examples that I saw today. Some were very formal and informational, and some were casual and more like diary entries. What I loved about them all was that each blog represented the author and the reader both -- I guess that is what blogging is all about. Since I am a 'math brain', I believe in word economy. (Let's get straight to the point!) I need to work on my reflective writing and using my 'voice' when I write. It is getting there!!


  1. The duck blog is great! I love how they found ways for the younger grades to blog.

  2. I love reading blogs as well, especially the "diary entry" ones. I also noticed that some very informational, while others were informal. I appreciated the variety and how there was no right or wrong way to blog!
