Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thing #7

I think that commenting on blogs allows the reader to interact with the author. I think it is a powerful communication tool. I don't ever remember interacting with an author before (except in 3rd grade when an author came to visit our school ...) Times have changed -- thank goodness -- and I am excited about this new communication tool. It allows me to be connected to my colleagues and learn about what they are learning about. I am increasing my knowledge base by staying connected and learning from their blogs. It is so neat!

I was a little nervous commenting on those 'big blogs' out there! The comment that I made will not be posted until the author reads and approves it. I think that is a good idea for the 'big blogs'! There needs to be some policing of comments. Otherwise there would be more comments than posts -- especially to the blogs that millions subscribe to!

Overall, I think that commenting is important -- it lets the author know that you are reading, and lets them know about your thoughts, opinions, and questions.
So that settles it --> commenting = interaction. (There goes my math brain again!)


  1. I agree - policing comments is absolutely essential. After working in the journalism field, I've seen how one little comment can make a topic go completely awry! Funnily enough, I always get nervous about what people will post on MY blogs rather than what I'm going to comment on theirs! :)

  2. Interaction * discourse = open communication and infinite thoughts & ideas.
