Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thing #20

Google Docs is a great FREE teacher resource. I had a great time creating a 'Field Trip News' page in Google Docs. I really want to use this as we plan every third Saturday to feed the homeless. We go each month and we all plan the menu and take turns bringing the main dish, vegetable, fruit, bread, and dessert. It would be great to use a Google Docs for all the members of the group to edit the doc and add to it, creating the list of 'who brings what'. Talk about collaborative! That would be great!

The Google Forms is a great tool to get information quickly from teachers or friends. If you wanted to find out information about your teachers, you could easily make a Google Form with campus, grade level, years of experience, room number, extension, etc. You could also find out their favorite Sonic drink to surprise them after a busy day!

I also enjoyed the Google Spreadsheet -- what a great asset! You can make games on the Spreadsheet for students to use - or even a quiz! It could actually grade it for you too! That might be a neat thing to incorporate in a teacher's busy schedule -- a computer-graded game or quiz! It might take some effort, but I am sure it could be done ... Soliciting a technology facilitator for some help might just do the trick!

1 comment:

  1. Google docs is my favorite "thing" for all of the reasons/ideas you listed.
